Thursday, January 13, 2011

Good morning.

With any luck Nora will start today! I finished a special dealer survey with the LEGO group. Hoping my answers will help them improve their communication with business partners in the future.

My new business cards for my council run came out great! And I am looking forward to the pending debate. I am also looking forward to getting this village back on track, and with any luck getting some needed cleaning and signage in place.

I have been meeting with business people all over the valley in an attempt to bring more needed business to the village.

Their main concerns are traffic and that stupid income tax that is in place in the village. (City income tax in a village).

Also main street needs to have designated parking spots for the businesses so they can have their customers be able to park while shopping!

Sometimes great ideas come to you, other times they are provided by interaction with others. I have to give cudos to Larry on this one. I am going to approach another business in town to help me get my parking area at the museum resealed! They expressed interest in using my parking lot, only fair to have them help me make it look nicer.

One of my main complaints about the museum, how the outside looks. I TOTALLY AGREE. No more overgrown weeds, no more overgrown grass. I am sick of it, and it looks horrible!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Good morning Bellaire Ohio.

Today is a great day!

I am going to begin helping one of my friends upload inventory for his online store!

Also going to look into ways to promote my online sites.

I started another blog to show my distain for a site which banned me from posting due to my opinion.

It is funny since the village of Bellaire has the same system in place. Years of corruption and dislike for outsiders has created a nasty local environment for people who do not agree with their points of view.

The online site I used to post on is the same place, just in virtual world.

You cannot see who you are talking with, and probably that is a good thing since the demographic is 'old dudes who play with LEGO'.

I have brought two more people into my election team, and I will begin on Monday getting the necessary signatures to get my 'run done'.

Be looking for some interesting improvements in the village as well.

I am done sitting on the side lines, I am going to be an active member of the debate from now on.

Get out of my way Bellaire, good things are coming.

I have meetings set up with companies next week.

I am going to rally the troops and get this politicial carrer off and running.

Dan Brown candidate for The village of Bellaire Council.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Today is a good day!

I am up early, and I am ready for an interesting day.

After much thought and some council with some friends I have decided to run for village council.

This decision did not come lightly since I have spent the better part of the past 7 years working on the museum!

Not only is that a full time job, it also makes my personal life difficult.

During my last meeting with the museum staff we decided that I am no longer needed on a daily basis to keep the museum running.

And my borrowing and financial input is no longer an issue either.

So in 2011 the museum will begin paying me back for the massive debt I have taken on and I am ready and primed to put some of my ideas for the village of Bellaire into action.

The new site will be;

Paid for by the Committee to elect Dan Brown, Jon Bizarri Treasurer

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Looking for museum board members!

We are going to try and address some of the needs of the museum, Historic Society, and a possible run for Village Council as well.

I will need help!

We have many plans, and not many means to get the plans done.

I am hoping for a major change in attitude in the village of Bellaire.

Probably a pipe dream, but I can hope.

Once my financial house is in order, I am going to make a run for village council.

So far I have not seen very much from the village in the way of leadership (council wise), and even with my busy schedule I would look forward to the challenge of getting the village on track.

While I do not believe I could be on the council for many years due to health and travel concerns, I could make a difference by showing them how to improve some crucial aspects of the local Govt, and help them to setup a future plan to get the village more financially stable.

My goal would be to be not needed!

I do not wish to have a life position on this board, and I would welcome anyone who would help me get to this position in life.

Dan Brown

Jan 1st, a new accounting season!

As of Jan 1st the accounting for the online and offline store needed to be addressed.

I am also helping with another online store at the moment, so we are going to be sharing the expenses of the accounting!

I hired a very nice lady named Nora to help us get our accounting house in order.

Looking forward to the advantages available to us with better accounting!

We will also be starting some new money raising programs in 2011 for the museum! I want to expand more of the museum into the 21st century with better heating, better security, and of course more LEGO projects.

Any ideas would be very welcome in the new year! I am working on many new projects, and I am hoping to begin getting my personal and business debt structure done once and for all.
